6/10/2011 09:50:00 AM

Week 11 Weigh in and Summary

Not happy with my scale... I just had a major movement today (I'm posting a day late) and it says the same thing as it did yesterday so... I think I may really need to get a new one. *MAJOR sigh*

Weight: 173
BF%:    30.5
Muscle:  52.4

Changes since last weigh in:

so... - 2 lbs (not HORRIBLE but, considering my deficit this is really quite low... AND, it was a fast week...), but only -.6 in fat the remaining amount was -1.3 in muscle and maybe -.1 in water or something. I never calculate that b/c holding 4 numbers in my head while I run over to my computer to put it all in is a pain in the ass lol...

So... yesterday I upped my calories to 670... So didn't want to, but things are not moving in the areas I want them to so... I'm going to try and keep my head on straight and do what nutritionists and stuff suggest, which is to make the deficit less in order to speed up your metabolism and allow your body to release more fat. I don't think it will work... but I gotta try. THIS WAS the plan for this month, and following it is staying in control... next month I'll change it up as needed.

Also... I think I may join a planet fitness so it will be easier for me to workout after work. It doesn't have quite as many machines as I would like (variety. It has plenty of each type, just... not as many different types as I'd like). I think variety in my cardio should help... right?


jen said...


Just discovered your blog. Would like to follow, but not sure if this is active or not. What's the date on this post? Is it today or this week?
Thanks. I'll check back.

tobf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tobf said...

This was posted on the 10th =] (had to remove my old comment cuz it was wrong) the blog is totally active. I can't wait to be followed <3

Anonymous said...

something I'll suggest is finding a kind of exercise that's fun... for me, just working out in a gym isn't that much fun. I started training in Brazilian jiu jitsu which is great-- fun, challenging to the mind as much as the body, plus the uniform is big and baggy so I don't feel as fat... you can burn up to 1100 calories in a 90 min class, and you won't notice the time go by!

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