6/16/2011 12:46:00 AM

Week 12 Weigh in and Summary

This week was much much better than last... lol. Well, maybe it really wasn't that different, but it sure felt that way :D

Weight: 169.8 (1.8 lbs shy of origional GW3... 2.3 of new halfway point)
BF%:    29.3
Muscle:  52.9

so... aside from that fact that I should definitely be at my halfway point by next Thursday (provided that this weeks 2 days of extra cals don't totally fuck me up)... here are the changes since the last weigh-in!

-3.2 lbs
-1.2% points...
-3.01 lbs of FAT
+.5 lbs of muscle

That's more like it...
look at all that FAT I ate yesterday D: SOOOO GROSS (today was worse...)


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