4/05/2014 01:57:00 AM

Cycle 1 Meal plan: In detail (to the gram)

Response to comments: Sunshinechild  - thanks for stopping by and the encouraging comments. I don't feel so impressive right now... -100 lbs atm but WAS -125 in the past so... yeah :/ It's ok though... I'll be back there by mid-June... and beyond. Glad to have met your acquaintance. I hope to keep in touch =]

Cycle 1 Meal Plan: 

Wednesday: 0 calories
- allowed black coffee, 1 crystal light energy drink, tea, water, 0cal sports drinks.

Technically only water is 0 calorie, so for every other drink I have, I will add 10c to my burn requirement of 2400 for the day.

Thursday: 200 calories


27g Protein Powder - potentially mixed with instant coffee if it is too sweet. - 98c

1 salad from convenience store - 54c
40g lean ham - 41c
Total: 95c

Daily total: 193 (the extra 6.8 can be taken up by instant coffee if needed in protein shake)
17g carb
2.5g fat
25.6g protien

Friday: 800c
2 egg whites (66g-70g) - 32-36c
100g spinach - 29c
4g coconut oil - 34c
Sub Total: 95.2c

27g protein powder *IF AN ONLY IF I AM FEELING FAINT* - 98c

*sigh* it's a farewell party for a very close friend who is moving abroad. There will be alcohol... food, etc... I'm not sure exactly where we are going... but my plan is to order a salad and either roast chicken or fish, and only have 1-2 alcoholic beverages (depending on if I have protein powder or not).

If I fail at following this plan, I will purge as soon as I can. IF I do follow this plan the total calories should be <600~700, so I would be ok for the limit of the day.

Calculate-able total: 95~193c

Calculate-able macros:
8.8 carb
5.9g fat
30.5g protien

Saturday: 400c
20g flaxseed - 107c
4g coconut oil - 34c
2 egg whites (70g or less) - 34c
10g cocoa powder - 24c
5g baking powder - 2 c
5g Xylitol - 1c

Sub Total: 202c

Lunch: Nothing

100g chicken - 110c
100g cauliflower - 24
100g spinach - 29
100g broccoli - 26
Sub Total: 189

Total: 391c
27.3g carb (17 = fiber)
16.4g fat (4.8 = omega 3)
44.9g protein

Sunday: 600c

20g flaxseed - 107c
4g coconut oil - 34c
2 egg whites (70g or less) - 34c
10g cocoa powder - 24c
5g baking powder - 2 c
5g Xylitol - 1c

Sub Total: 202c

100g chicken - 110c
100g cucumber - 15c
100g tomato - 18c
100g oriental radish - 18c

Sub Total:

100g Salmon -142c
100g cauliflower - 24
100g spinach - 29
100g broccoli - 26

Total: 582c
38.6g carb (20 = fiber)
23g fat (7 = omega 3)
66.8g protein

the truth is this is more or less what every week will look like, except the order will change. I find reducing variety to be very helpful... requires far less thought, and leaves room for far fewer mistakes.

Looking at the macros... some of these days have a LOT of fat... which makes me very uncomfortable... but fat is safer (to me) than carb (which ideally is always under 50, and must be under 60g a day)... AND when you average out the fat over the whole 5 days, it becomes a bit less scary.

I really hope I won't have to purge on Friday... already will on Tuesday so, would be nice not to have two events so close in temporal proximity.

Finally, depending on the weather... I may get my hands on some asparagus and use that rather than spinach for dinners/lunches. it has about the same calories (5 less actually), is super yummy... and yeah, I definitely want to do that if I can manage. The place that I know which sells it at a reasonable price (HQ Frozen, thus low price) is pretty far from where I am staying and I don't want it to melt on my way back... hmmm how to make that work :3


Bella said...

Hey love, I've just started following your blog :) Nice to meet you!

I love your meal plan. I'm a huge fan of my kitchen scales, even things like coffee and mints are weighed, and reading meal plans in grams always makes me a little happy. It's so much more accurate than measuring in cups and teaspoons! I wouldn't worry about the fat content too much. It looks like they're all healthy fats (salmon, coconut oil etc.), and they'll keep you fuller for longer.

Good luck with your goals. Looking forward to reading more from you <3 xx

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